Home » Blog » 使用英文情態助動詞來表達「可能性」與「推測」
作者: Cathy C.
發布日期: 2025 / 2 / 21, |
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1. Can vs. Could
Smoking can cause cancer.(吸煙可能會導致癌症。)
He can hardly have meant that.(他不太可能是那個意思。)
Noise can be quite a problem when you’re living in a flat.(住公寓噪音可能會是個問題。)
A lot of crime could be prevented.(許多犯罪活動是可以防止的。)
She could arrive anytime now.(她隨時會到。)
This new medical drug could be an important step in the fight against cancer.(這種醫療新藥可能是攻克癌症過程中邁出的重要一步。)
2. May vs. Might
「May」 同樣也可以表示可能性,帶有推測的意思,語氣也較為正式,例如:
The cause of the accident may never be discovered.(意外的起因也許永遠無法查清。)
The problem may have been caused by a faulty electrical connection.(問題可能是由電路連接錯誤引起的。)
There may be other problems that we don’t know about.(可能有我們不知道的其他問題。)
I might come and visit you next year, if I can save enough money.(如果我存夠錢的話,明年我也許會來看你。)
Don’t go any closer. It might not be safe.(別再走近了,那可能不安全。)
The rain might have stopped by now.(現在雨也許已經停了。)
3. Should
My dry cleaning should be ready this afternoon.(我乾洗的衣服今天下午應該洗好了。)
You should find this guidebook helpful.(你應該會覺得這本指南很有用。)
I wonder what’s happened to Annie. She should be here by now.(不知道Annie出什麽事了。她應該現在就該到這裡了。)
4. Must
Harry’s been driving all day. He must be tired.(Harry開了一天車,他一定累了。)
There’s water on the floor. We must have a leak.(地板上有水,一定有地方漏水。)
When you got lost in the forest you must have been very frightened.(那天你在森林裡迷路了,一定很害怕吧。)

部落格分類標籤: 文法和寫作