作者: Paul C.
發布日期: 2022 / 12 / 29, |
2741 |
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1. 以長短句交錯的方式改變文字的節奏
The Winslow family visited Canada and Alaska last summer to find some native American art. In Anchorage stores they found some excellent examples of soapstone carvings. But they couldn’t find a dealer selling any of the woven wall hangings they wanted. They were very disappointed when they left Anchorage empty-handed.
The Winslow family visited Canada and Alaska last summer to find some native American art, such as soapstone carvings and wall hangings. Anchorage stores had many soapstone items available. Still, they were disappointed to learn that wall hangings, which they had especially wanted, were difficult to find. Sadly, they left empty-handed.
相關英文寫作文章推薦:改善英文學術寫作的技巧 |
2. 換句話說
如果有很多英文句子都以同樣的方式起頭,尤其是用The…、It…、This…、I …這樣的方式起頭,會讓讀者感到索然無味。因此,要換一種說法來讓人耳目一新。
相關英文寫作文章推薦:改善英文研究論文品質的十種方法和寫作技巧 |
The biggest coincidence that day happened when David and I ended up sitting next to each other at the Super Bowl.
- Coincidentally, David and I ended up sitting right next to each other at the Super Bowl.
- In an amazing coincidence, David and I ended up sitting next to each other at the Super Bowl.
- Sitting next to David at the Super Bowl was a tremendous coincidence.
- But the biggest coincidence that day happened when David and I ended up sitting next to each other at the Super Bowl.
- When I sat down at the Super Bowl, I realized that, by sheer coincidence, I was directly next to David.
- By sheer coincidence, I ended up sitting directly next to David at the Super Bowl.
- With over 50,000 fans at the Super Bowl, it took an incredible coincidence for me to end up sitting right next to David.
- What are the odds that I would have ended up sitting right next to David at the Super Bowl?
- David and I, without any prior planning, ended up sitting right next to each other at the Super Bowl.
- Without any prior planning, David and I ended up sitting right next to each other at the Super Bowl.
- At the crowded Super Bowl, packed with 50,000 screaming fans, David and I ended up sitting right next to each other by sheer coincidence.
- Though I hadn’t made any advance arrangements with David, we ended up sitting right next to each other at the Super Bowl.
- Many amazing coincidences occurred that day, but nothing topped sitting right next to David at the Super Bowl.
- Unbelievable, I know, but David and I ended up sitting right next to each other at the Super Bowl.
- Guided by some bizarre coincidence, David and I ended up sitting right next to each other at the Super Bowl.
- 如何讓學術研究論文呈現明確的訊息,避免重點失焦?
- 如何改寫“There is”、“There are”和“It is”開頭的英文句子
- 英文子句的使用方式
- 如何撰寫學術論文前言(Introduction)來吸引讀者注意
- 如何順利撰寫學術論文草稿的十二步策略
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