Home » Blog » 二十個常見的「動詞搭配介系詞」用法
作者: Sharon S.
發布日期: 2023 / 4 / 13, |
7356 |
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“You want your employees to work with you, not for you.”
以上例句裡的動詞「work」後面用介系詞「with」和「for」,意思就不同(work with = 一起工作,而 work for = 為某人/某公司效力)。
Rely on(依賴、依靠、依仗)
The success of this project relies on everyone making an effort.(這個專案計劃的成功要靠每個人的努力。)
Congratulate on(祝賀、慶賀、恭喜)
I was just congratulating Amy on having won her race.(我那時正在祝賀艾咪賽跑獲勝。)
Disagree with(持異議、反對)
I’m afraid I have to disagree with you on that issue.(關於那個問題,恐怕我不能同意您的看法。)
Deal with {(尤指工作上)與…打交道,對付}
She’s used to dealing with difficult customers.(她已經習慣了與難纏的顧客打交道。)
Comply with(服從、遵守、依從)
There are serious penalties for failure to comply with the regulations.(不遵守規定者將受到嚴懲。)
Prepare for(準備、預備、把…準備好、使預備好)
Have you prepared for your interview? (你做好面試的準備了嗎?)
Apologize for(道歉、認錯、謝罪)
Trains may be subject to delay—we apologize for any inconvenience caused.(列車可能會延誤,如果給您造成任何不便,我們在此謹致歉意。)
Search for(搜查、搜索)
The police searched the woods for the missing boy. (員警在樹林中搜尋失蹤的男孩。)
Suffer from(受苦、受折磨)
She has been suffering from cancer for two years.(她受癌症所苦已經兩年了。 )
Infer from(推斷、推論、推理)
What do you infer from her refusal?(你從她的拒絕中能推斷出甚麼?)
Resign from {辭職、辭去(職務)、放棄(工作)}
He resigned from the company in order to take a more challenging job.(他從這家公司辭職以便能夠從事更有挑戰性的工作。)
Reply to(回答、回覆、答覆)
I try to reply to letters the day I receive them.(我儘量在收到信的當天就回信。)
Lead to(導致、引起)
Reducing speed limits should lead to fewer deaths on the roads.(降低限速可以減少交通死亡人數。)
Adapt to {使適應不同情況(或用途)}
We had to adapt our plans to fit Jack’s timetable.(我們不得不改變我們的計劃來遷就傑克的時間安排。)
Boast about(自吹自擂、吹噓、誇耀)
Parents enjoy boasting about their children’s achievements.(父母喜歡誇耀子女所取得的成績。 )
Forget about(忘記、遺忘)
I completely forgot about Jenny’s party.(我完全忘記了珍妮的派對。)
Participate in(參與、參加)
She never participates in any of our discussions, does she?(她從不參加我們的任何討論,不是嗎?)
Confide in {向…傾訴、向…吐露情感(或秘密)}
She’s nice, but I don’t feel I can confide in her.(她人很好,但我還是覺得我不能對她推心置腹。)
Aim at {(使)瞄準、(使)對準、以…為目的}
This anti-smoking campaign is mainly aimed at young teenagers.(這場反吸菸運動主要是針對青少年的。)
Stare at {(尤指驚訝、害怕或思考時)盯著看、凝視、注視}
Don’t stare at people like that, it’s rude.(不要那樣盯著人看,很不禮貌。)
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