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如何在學術研究寫作中使用英文as a result?
作者: Wallace
發布日期: 2020 / 9 / 17, |
31385 |
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問題:請問在研究論文中應該如何使用as a result一詞?我對此感到很困惑,因為它在研究寫作中似乎有兩個含意。
As a result是經常用來表示因果關係的片語
從這個意義上來說,它是therefore、hence、consequently、as a consequence及accordingly的同義詞。
以下是一些使用as a result的句子:
- The molecule has bulky substituents in the ortho positions; as a result, the eclipsed rotamer is energetically disfavored.
- The fact that eclipsed rotamer is energetically disfavored is a consequence of the steric bulk of the substituents.
- The diphenyl phosphine oxide group is electron withdrawing, and as a result, the central carbon of the allene is electron deficient.
- The electron deficiency is a consequence of the presence of the electron-withdrawing group.
在編輯許多論文的過程中,我經常遇到as a result的非標準使用法
在該用法中,as a result被拿來連接描述修飾的子句,與描述該實驗結果的第二個子句。這種用法似乎特別常見在作者的母語為中文的論文中。
“We investigated the photocatalytic degradation of 17β-estradiol in water and concurrently evaluated the estrogenic activity of the treated water. As a result, 17β-estradiol was totally mineralized to CO2 in a TiO2 suspension under UV irradiation for 3 h.”
有些讀者可能會一時將as a result誤解為礦化作用是調查與評估的結果。
然而,作者實際上只是單純想用as a result來承接後面的文字,僅僅只是想要描述實驗的發現結果發現。也就是說,「17β-estradiol was totally mineralized to CO2…」構成了實驗結果,因此建議是將as a result放句首,改為:「As a result of this experiment, we found that…」。
“Serial dilution tests of the JCAbl antibody were performed on the three tissues. As a result, JCAbl reacted with JCV-IMR32 cells and PML tissues at all the dilutions.”
我不會將上述as a result的使用方式視為嚴重的錯誤,但正如上一個所示範的那句一樣,有些讀者會覺得上述的用法僅是暫時分散注意力。因此我認為,最好的修改方式是將as a result直接替換為we found that:
“We investigated the photocatalytic degradation of 17β-estradiol in water and concurrently evaluated the estrogenic activity of the treated water. We found that 17β-estradiol was totally mineralized to CO2 in a TiO2 suspension under UV irradiation for 3 h.”
- “We investigated the photocatalytic degradation of 17β-estradiol in water…. The results of these experiments indicated that 17β-estradiol was totally mineralized to CO2 in a TiO2 suspension under UV irradiation for 3 h.”
- “When we investigated the photocatalytic degradation of 17β-estradiol in water…, we found that that 17β-estradiol was totally mineralized to CO2 in a TiO2 suspension under UV irradiation for 3 h.”
- “Investigation of the photocatalytic degradation of 17β-estradiol in water and concurrent evaluation of the estrogenic activity of the treated water indicated that 17β-estradiol was totally mineralized to CO2 in a TiO2 suspension under UV irradiation for 3 h.”
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邀請Dr. Steve Wallace演講 |