Translation Service
Your academic paper goes through a three-step translation process to become a publishable English journal article. No other agency goes to the trouble and pains we do to achieve accurate meaning and natural technical English flow while maintaining the author's original voice. View our translating and editing example to see us in action.

Step One:Translation
Translating an academic article into another language is not easy—even if the original is well argued and well structured. At Wallace, your papers are translated into English by professional translators who have relevant academic backgrounds. Before translating documents for customers, translators at Wallace must pass translation trials and receive complete training to ensure that their work meets the high standards of Wallace and academic journals. Our translators have relevant research or work experience, and will translate your papers into English by using their solid bilingual skills and professional knowledge. Through extensive research, translators perform their tasks with greater precision and accumulate terminology and keywords from various disciplines to enhance their efficiency and accuracy.
Step Two:Native English Editing
Translated papers are then revised by native English speaking editors into fluent academic English. In this essential step, editors chiefly reword and rearrange sentences. This is necessary because the format and structure of technical writing in Chinese and English differ greatly. Although English and Chinese sentences may sometimes look alike syntactically, the English often requires modification to maintain the flow of English writing and the original author's intended meaning. During translation editing, editors discuss frequently with proofreaders to ensure that the meaning of the original Chinese is not changed.
Types of Sentences that Require Editing
Editors at Wallace modify sentences according to the following principles:
- Move the subject to the beginning of a sentence to highlight the main idea.
- Shorten long sentences and make each sentence contain only one or two ideas, or use a semicolon to separate ideas.
- Maintain the original meaning of the Chinese text but express it in fluent and concise English.
- Ensure consistency in the use—or avoidance—of first-person pronouns.
- Use transition words to link sentences, paragraphs, and perspectives.
- Avoid using a preposition or adverb clause at the beginning of a sentence to specify time.
- Avoid specifying purposes, conditions, or locations at the beginning of a sentence.
Step Three:Translation Proofreading
Proofreaders review editing quality after papers are translated and edited. In this step, proofreaders carefully remove any redundant words or sentences, and check for opportunities to improve translation or editing quality. Papers do not benefit from unnecessary sentences; our goal is to make your papers more concise and well-argued without altering the original meaning. In addition, proofreading not only improves paper quality but also informs our decision-making regarding an editor's eligibility to continue at Wallace. We are devoted to enhancing editing quality by following style guides and the submission guidelines of journals, as well as recruiting editors from various disciplines to give your paper its best chance at being published.